Apart from being the inspiration for an album title by John Cale, HONI SOIT QUI MAL Y PENSE is Latin for “shamed be he who thinks ill of it.” You can find this motto on gold sovereigns of George III. It’s the motto of the Order of the Garter.
Apart from being the inspiration for an album title by John Cale, HONI SOIT QUI MAL Y PENSE is Latin for “shamed be he who thinks ill of it.” You can find this motto on gold sovereigns of George III. It’s the motto of the Order of the Garter.
PAX QUAERITUR BELLO means “Peace is sought by war”. It was the personal motto of Oliver Cromwell.
EXURGAT DEUS DISSIPENTUR INIMICI is a Latin motto. It means “May God rise up, may [his] enemies be scattered”. You can find it on old English coins of Charles I, during the English Civil War. It refers to Psalm 68 in the Bible.
CHRISTO AUSPICE REGNO is Latin for “I reign with Christ as my protector”. You can see it on old British coins of King Charles I.
FACIAM EOS IN GENTEM UNAM is Lating for “I shall make them into one nation”. You can see it on old British coins of James I, denoting his wish to unite the England and Scotland. It’s a reference to Ezekiel 37:2 in the Vulgate Bible.
RUTILANS ROSA SINE SPINA is Latin for “A dazzling rose without a thorn”. You can see it on old British coins of Henry VIII and Edward VI. Initially on the unsuccessful and very rare Crown of the Rose of Henry VIII and continued on subsequent small gold coinage into the reign of Edward VI.
POSUI DEUM ADIUTOREM MEUM is Latin for “I have made God my helper”. It’s found on British coins of Henry VII, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I. It may refer to Psalm 52:7, Ecce homo qui non posuit Deum adjutorem suum “Behold the man who did not make God his helper”.
The UK coin edge inscription: SIC VOS NON VOBIS means “thus we labour, but not for ourselves”. It was the motto of William Paterson.
ELIZABETH II DEI GRATIA REGINA FIDEI DEFENSATRIX is Latin with the meaning “Elizabeth II, by the grace of God, Queen and Defender of the Faith”. It’s inscribed on many British and Northern Ireland coins.
NEMO ME IMPUNE LACESSIT is Latin for “No-one provokes me with impunity”. This is the Order of the Thistle’s motto and can be found on coins with Scottish designs.