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What does the Latin Word ‘minime’ mean?

The English for the Latin word minime is in the least degree, very little/not at all, by no means.

Q: What’s the Latin word minime in English? A: in the least degree, very little/not at all, by no means.
How do you say the Latin word minime in English? In the least degree, very little/not at all, by no means.
The Latin word minime in English vocabulary. In the least degree, very little/not at all, by no means.
minime, English translation of this Latin word: in the least degree, very little/not at all, by no means.
The Latin word minime in English: in the least degree, very little/not at all, by no means.
How to say the Latin word minime in English. In the least degree, very little/not at all, by no means.
Say the Latin word minime in English. In the least degree, very little/not at all, by no means.
What is the English word for the Latin word minime? In the least degree, very little/not at all, by no means.
What’s the English word for the Latin word minime? It’s in the least degree, very little/not at all, by no means.
The Latin word minime in English translation. In the least degree, very little/not at all, by no means.
In English how do you say the Latin word minime? In the least degree, very little/not at all, by no means.
Translation of the Latin word minime in English: in the least degree, very little/not at all, by no means.
The Latin word minime in English is in the least degree, very little/not at all, by no means.
In English, the translation of minime (the Latin word). In the least degree, very little/not at all, by no means.
The Latin word minime in English vocab. In the least degree, very little/not at all, by no means.
The English translation of the Latin word minime is in the least degree, very little/not at all, by no means.
English word for the Latin word minime: in the least degree, very little/not at all, by no means.
What’s the English for the Latin word minime? In the least degree, very little/not at all, by no means.
What does the Latin word minime mean?


for the Latin word


: in the least degree, very little/not at all, by no means.

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What does the Latin Word ‘magister’ mean?

The English for the Latin word magister is master, canon / master of a school, professor.

Q: What’s the Latin word magister in English? A: master, canon / master of a school, professor.
How do you say the Latin word magister in English? Master, canon / master of a school, professor.
The Latin word magister in English vocabulary. Master, canon / master of a school, professor.
magister, English translation of this Latin word: master, canon / master of a school, professor.
The Latin word magister in English: master, canon / master of a school, professor.
How to say the Latin word magister in English. Master, canon / master of a school, professor.
Say the Latin word magister in English. Master, canon / master of a school, professor.
What is the English word for the Latin word magister? Master, canon / master of a school, professor.
What’s the English word for the Latin word magister? It’s master, canon / master of a school, professor.
The Latin word magister in English translation. Master, canon / master of a school, professor.
In English how do you say the Latin word magister? Master, canon / master of a school, professor.
Translation of the Latin word magister in English: master, canon / master of a school, professor.
The Latin word magister in English is master, canon / master of a school, professor.
In English, the translation of magister (the Latin word). Master, canon / master of a school, professor.
The Latin word magister in English vocab. Master, canon / master of a school, professor.
The English translation of the Latin word magister is master, canon / master of a school, professor.
English word for the Latin word magister: master, canon / master of a school, professor.
What’s the English for the Latin word magister? Master, canon / master of a school, professor.
What does the Latin word magister mean?


for the Latin word


: master, canon / master of a school, professor.

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What does the Latin Word ‘multipliciter’ mean?

The English for the Latin word multipliciter is in many ways, in various ways.

Q: What’s the Latin word multipliciter in English? A: in many ways, in various ways.
How do you say the Latin word multipliciter in English? In many ways, in various ways.
The Latin word multipliciter in English vocabulary. In many ways, in various ways.
multipliciter, English translation of this Latin word: in many ways, in various ways.
The Latin word multipliciter in English: in many ways, in various ways.
How to say the Latin word multipliciter in English. In many ways, in various ways.
Say the Latin word multipliciter in English. In many ways, in various ways.
What is the English word for the Latin word multipliciter? In many ways, in various ways.
What’s the English word for the Latin word multipliciter? It’s in many ways, in various ways.
The Latin word multipliciter in English translation. In many ways, in various ways.
In English how do you say the Latin word multipliciter? In many ways, in various ways.
Translation of the Latin word multipliciter in English: in many ways, in various ways.
The Latin word multipliciter in English is in many ways, in various ways.
In English, the translation of multipliciter (the Latin word). In many ways, in various ways.
The Latin word multipliciter in English vocab. In many ways, in various ways.
The English translation of the Latin word multipliciter is in many ways, in various ways.
English word for the Latin word multipliciter: in many ways, in various ways.
What’s the English for the Latin word multipliciter? In many ways, in various ways.
What does the Latin word multipliciter mean?


for the Latin word


: in many ways, in various ways.

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What does the Latin Word ‘macto’ mean?

The English for the Latin word macto is to magnify, glorify, honor /slay, fight, punish, afflict.

Q: What’s the Latin word macto in English? A: to magnify, glorify, honor /slay, fight, punish, afflict.
How do you say the Latin word macto in English? To magnify, glorify, honor /slay, fight, punish, afflict.
The Latin word macto in English vocabulary. To magnify, glorify, honor /slay, fight, punish, afflict.
macto, English translation of this Latin word: to magnify, glorify, honor /slay, fight, punish, afflict.
The Latin word macto in English: to magnify, glorify, honor /slay, fight, punish, afflict.
How to say the Latin word macto in English. To magnify, glorify, honor /slay, fight, punish, afflict.
Say the Latin word macto in English. To magnify, glorify, honor /slay, fight, punish, afflict.
What is the English word for the Latin word macto? To magnify, glorify, honor /slay, fight, punish, afflict.
What’s the English word for the Latin word macto? It’s to magnify, glorify, honor /slay, fight, punish, afflict.
The Latin word macto in English translation. To magnify, glorify, honor /slay, fight, punish, afflict.
In English how do you say the Latin word macto? To magnify, glorify, honor /slay, fight, punish, afflict.
Translation of the Latin word macto in English: to magnify, glorify, honor /slay, fight, punish, afflict.
The Latin word macto in English is to magnify, glorify, honor /slay, fight, punish, afflict.
In English, the translation of macto (the Latin word). To magnify, glorify, honor /slay, fight, punish, afflict.
The Latin word macto in English vocab. To magnify, glorify, honor /slay, fight, punish, afflict.
The English translation of the Latin word macto is to magnify, glorify, honor /slay, fight, punish, afflict.
English word for the Latin word macto: to magnify, glorify, honor /slay, fight, punish, afflict.
What’s the English for the Latin word macto? To magnify, glorify, honor /slay, fight, punish, afflict.
What does the Latin word macto mean?


for the Latin word


: to magnify, glorify, honor /slay, fight, punish, afflict.

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What does the Latin Word ‘Moguntium’ mean?

The English for the Latin word Moguntium is Mainz.

Q: What’s the Latin word Moguntium in English? A: Mainz.
How do you say the Latin word Moguntium in English? Mainz.
The Latin word Moguntium in English vocabulary. Mainz.
Moguntium, English translation of this Latin word: Mainz.
The Latin word Moguntium in English: Mainz.
How to say the Latin word Moguntium in English. Mainz.
Say the Latin word Moguntium in English. Mainz.
What is the English word for the Latin word Moguntium? Mainz.
What’s the English word for the Latin word Moguntium? It’s Mainz.
The Latin word Moguntium in English translation. Mainz.
In English how do you say the Latin word Moguntium? Mainz.
Translation of the Latin word Moguntium in English: Mainz.
The Latin word Moguntium in English is Mainz.
In English, the translation of Moguntium (the Latin word). Mainz.
The Latin word Moguntium in English vocab. Mainz.
The English translation of the Latin word Moguntium is Mainz.
English word for the Latin word Moguntium: Mainz.
What’s the English for the Latin word Moguntium? Mainz.
What does the Latin word Moguntium mean?


for the Latin word


: Mainz.

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What does the Latin Word ‘medium’ mean?

The English for the Latin word medium is everyday life, the common good, the public eye.

Q: What’s the Latin word medium in English? A: everyday life, the common good, the public eye.
How do you say the Latin word medium in English? Everyday life, the common good, the public eye.
The Latin word medium in English vocabulary. Everyday life, the common good, the public eye.
medium, English translation of this Latin word: everyday life, the common good, the public eye.
The Latin word medium in English: everyday life, the common good, the public eye.
How to say the Latin word medium in English. Everyday life, the common good, the public eye.
Say the Latin word medium in English. Everyday life, the common good, the public eye.
What is the English word for the Latin word medium? Everyday life, the common good, the public eye.
What’s the English word for the Latin word medium? It’s everyday life, the common good, the public eye.
The Latin word medium in English translation. Everyday life, the common good, the public eye.
In English how do you say the Latin word medium? Everyday life, the common good, the public eye.
Translation of the Latin word medium in English: everyday life, the common good, the public eye.
The Latin word medium in English is everyday life, the common good, the public eye.
In English, the translation of medium (the Latin word). Everyday life, the common good, the public eye.
The Latin word medium in English vocab. Everyday life, the common good, the public eye.
The English translation of the Latin word medium is everyday life, the common good, the public eye.
English word for the Latin word medium: everyday life, the common good, the public eye.
What’s the English for the Latin word medium? Everyday life, the common good, the public eye.
What does the Latin word medium mean?


for the Latin word


: everyday life, the common good, the public eye.

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What does the Latin Word ‘marmoreus’ mean?

The English for the Latin word marmoreus is like marble.

Q: What’s the Latin word marmoreus in English? A: like marble.
How do you say the Latin word marmoreus in English? Like marble.
The Latin word marmoreus in English vocabulary. Like marble.
marmoreus, English translation of this Latin word: like marble.
The Latin word marmoreus in English: like marble.
How to say the Latin word marmoreus in English. Like marble.
Say the Latin word marmoreus in English. Like marble.
What is the English word for the Latin word marmoreus? Like marble.
What’s the English word for the Latin word marmoreus? It’s like marble.
The Latin word marmoreus in English translation. Like marble.
In English how do you say the Latin word marmoreus? Like marble.
Translation of the Latin word marmoreus in English: like marble.
The Latin word marmoreus in English is like marble.
In English, the translation of marmoreus (the Latin word). Like marble.
The Latin word marmoreus in English vocab. Like marble.
The English translation of the Latin word marmoreus is like marble.
English word for the Latin word marmoreus: like marble.
What’s the English for the Latin word marmoreus? Like marble.
What does the Latin word marmoreus mean?


for the Latin word


: like marble.

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What does the Latin Word ‘mundo’ mean?

The English for the Latin word mundo is to clean.

Q: What’s the Latin word mundo in English? A: to clean.
How do you say the Latin word mundo in English? To clean.
The Latin word mundo in English vocabulary. To clean.
mundo, English translation of this Latin word: to clean.
The Latin word mundo in English: to clean.
How to say the Latin word mundo in English. To clean.
Say the Latin word mundo in English. To clean.
What is the English word for the Latin word mundo? To clean.
What’s the English word for the Latin word mundo? It’s to clean.
The Latin word mundo in English translation. To clean.
In English how do you say the Latin word mundo? To clean.
Translation of the Latin word mundo in English: to clean.
The Latin word mundo in English is to clean.
In English, the translation of mundo (the Latin word). To clean.
The Latin word mundo in English vocab. To clean.
The English translation of the Latin word mundo is to clean.
English word for the Latin word mundo: to clean.
What’s the English for the Latin word mundo? To clean.
What does the Latin word mundo mean?


for the Latin word


: to clean.

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What does the Latin Word ‘Marcieniensis’ mean?

The English for the Latin word Marcieniensis is Marchiennes.

Q: What’s the Latin word Marcieniensis in English? A: Marchiennes.
How do you say the Latin word Marcieniensis in English? Marchiennes.
The Latin word Marcieniensis in English vocabulary. Marchiennes.
Marcieniensis, English translation of this Latin word: Marchiennes.
The Latin word Marcieniensis in English: Marchiennes.
How to say the Latin word Marcieniensis in English. Marchiennes.
Say the Latin word Marcieniensis in English. Marchiennes.
What is the English word for the Latin word Marcieniensis? Marchiennes.
What’s the English word for the Latin word Marcieniensis? It’s Marchiennes.
The Latin word Marcieniensis in English translation. Marchiennes.
In English how do you say the Latin word Marcieniensis? Marchiennes.
Translation of the Latin word Marcieniensis in English: Marchiennes.
The Latin word Marcieniensis in English is Marchiennes.
In English, the translation of Marcieniensis (the Latin word). Marchiennes.
The Latin word Marcieniensis in English vocab. Marchiennes.
The English translation of the Latin word Marcieniensis is Marchiennes.
English word for the Latin word Marcieniensis: Marchiennes.
What’s the English for the Latin word Marcieniensis? Marchiennes.
What does the Latin word Marcieniensis mean?


for the Latin word


: Marchiennes.

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What does the Latin Word ‘matrimonium’ mean?

The English for the Latin word matrimonium is marriage.

Q: What’s the Latin word matrimonium in English? A: marriage.
How do you say the Latin word matrimonium in English? Marriage.
The Latin word matrimonium in English vocabulary. Marriage.
matrimonium, English translation of this Latin word: marriage.
The Latin word matrimonium in English: marriage.
How to say the Latin word matrimonium in English. Marriage.
Say the Latin word matrimonium in English. Marriage.
What is the English word for the Latin word matrimonium? Marriage.
What’s the English word for the Latin word matrimonium? It’s marriage.
The Latin word matrimonium in English translation. Marriage.
In English how do you say the Latin word matrimonium? Marriage.
Translation of the Latin word matrimonium in English: marriage.
The Latin word matrimonium in English is marriage.
In English, the translation of matrimonium (the Latin word). Marriage.
The Latin word matrimonium in English vocab. Marriage.
The English translation of the Latin word matrimonium is marriage.
English word for the Latin word matrimonium: marriage.
What’s the English for the Latin word matrimonium? Marriage.
What does the Latin word matrimonium mean?


for the Latin word


: marriage.